women's brands leather fashion messenger bags caviar handbags classic collection shoulder bags

women's brands leather fashion messenger bags caviar handbags classic collection shoulder bags
артикул: 813488590
7,892.52 руб.
Доставка из: Китай
this totes bags with all logo. but we could not show in the pictures, logo in the back of the bag are upside down, there is logo in the button, inside bag have date code. same as originals factory outlet we are a factory in guangzhou, china, this women's designer bag is reasonably priced. there is no middleman and can be shipped directly. wholesale and retail are welcome this crossbody handbag is made of leather, canvas, and crossbody metal sling. the cell phone pocket inside is very convenient for party use. many colors are included. some of these embossed logos the package includes bag*1, invoice*1, card, with original box. it's all bubble wrapped. will protect your package well..syi
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