tote bag designer bag icare large capacity shopping belt handbag classic ringer brand luxury bag designer handbag shoulder bag women's

tote bag designer bag icare large capacity shopping belt handbag classic ringer brand luxury bag designer handbag shoulder bag women's
sku: 833841572
Shipping from: China
welcome we are a manufacturer in china and we are looking for distributors in europe, america and around the world. it's a shoulder bag, messenger bag, tote, shopping bag. with fine workmanship and fine metal and leather fittings, it is a safe purchase due to differences in light, computer monitor resolutionand other factors, the picture may differ slightly from the actual color of thegoods. the real color is subject to the actual goods. pleasenotice the product size before purchasing. due to different measurementmethods, location and fabric stretching, the data will have 1-3cm deviation..syi
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