tote bag designer bag 25birkinbag bags hand-made original leather international luxury goods high quality

tote bag designer bag 25birkinbag bags hand-made original leather international luxury goods high quality
sku: 761664646
91,816.39 руб.
Shipping from: China
i thought the capacity was small, but i actually put down my air cushion, powder cake, lipstick, headphones, card bag and car keys. in the past two years, the price of the second generation of small bags has been going up and down. from the beginning, when it first came out, no one paid attention to it. the 2nd generation kelly2 is really a style that people love and hate. the beauty is beautiful, and the capacity is really not good. the diamond color can still be prepared ~ elephant grey gold buckle is really beautiful. i like it very much on the upper body. it's a very comfortable texture. you can also carry it on your back and recommend it to your sisters talthough it can't hold too many things, the super-high face value is golden brown, which is invincible in spring, summer, autumn and winter all the year round. in the past two years`.syi
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