t01thy Nespresso Livanto Coffee Capsule / Kapsul Kopi - 10 Capsules Ds20X11

t01thy Nespresso Livanto Coffee Capsule / Kapsul Kopi - 10 Capsules Ds20X11
sku: 13502107817
Shipping from: Indonesia
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Best before date: 31 January 2022
Nespresso intensity level 6 (Medium roast, Long roast time)
Round and balanced
Blend of Brazilian, Colombian and Guatemalan Arabicas.
Net weight: 53 g
Recommended serving size: Espresso 40 ml.
From this important trading city, sailors navigated the globe in the quest of discovering a myriad of aromas and flavours. Latin American coffees were among the treasures they brought back from their explorations. Ispirazione Genova Livantos medium roast brings together in beautiful balance all the rounded flavours of Brazilian, Colombian and Guatemalan coffees, crowned by their classic sweet caramel note.
True to the character of northern Italian coffee Ispirazione Genova Livanto is an Arabica-centric blend with a complexity of tastes. We began with Brazilian Arabica an approachable, mellow coffee. Into this base we blended reputable, high-grown Arabicas from Central and South America with malty and fruit profiles that develop beautifully during roasting. We chose them because they bring the delicate aromas and rounded taste Northern Italian coffee is known for.
The coffee roasting tends to be lighter in the north of the country. Thats why we gave the coffees in Ispirazione Genova Livanto a medium roast that lands lighter than what youll find in the south but is still dark enough to develop those caramel and toasted cereal notes. It gives Ispirazione Genova Livanto that rounded mouthfeel and keeps its delicate acidity intact.
Ispirazione Genova Livanto is a smooth, rounded and delicately aromatic coffee. Its lighter roast develops the smooth and full body and keeps the finer aromas present. Youll catch a toasted cereal fragrance and a sweet caramel note.
Semua pesanan yang masuk dibawah jam 18.00 akan dikirim dihari yang sama, selain itu akan masuk pengiriman esok hari. Happy shoping :)
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