luxurys designers fashion flap bags handbags womens quilted shoulder bags gold chain leather crossbody black y-01 tote handbag handy wallet

luxurys designers fashion flap bags handbags womens quilted shoulder bags gold chain leather crossbody black y-01 tote handbag handy wallet
sku: 842749374
4,974.33 руб.
Shipping from: China
1.before the products are shipped, we will carefully verify to ensure that they are all high-quality with labels and logo (if there are unlabeled, only the product itself has no label and logo) 2. product pictures are specially processed, we only sell well-known brand product, please rest assured to buy 3. please be assured of product quality, we will strictly control it. 4.makes you more charming we have our own shoes factory----we only make products, welcome to buy directly 5.all pictures are actual ps of the bag you will get.
you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing your order..syi
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