ladies genuine leather bag mini handbag designer bag shoulder bag messenger bag fashion bag mobile phone bag wallet key case

ladies genuine leather bag mini handbag designer bag shoulder bag messenger bag fashion bag mobile phone bag wallet key case
sku: 891647119
Shipping from: China
the color definition may not be accurate, this does not affect the product quality, if you are not sure you can contact me, i will give you more detailed pictures. all products are delivered according to order, and will not pretend to be high-quality with low-quality ones.
due to the lighting and post-editing of the pictures, there may be color differences from the actual product, which is a normal phenomenon. the packaging is made by the factory assembly line, and there may be threaded heads, which will not affect the appearance. due to the different measurement tools used in different countries, the size of the details page may be slightly different from the actual size by one to three centimeters, which does not affect the appearance and use. there may be threads, which are normal and do not affect the appearance and use..syi
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