designer tote bag women shoulder bags handbag messenger totes metallic handbags classic gift wholesale soft leather travel holiday party

designer tote bag women shoulder bags handbag messenger totes metallic handbags classic gift wholesale soft leather travel holiday party
sku: 877916401
2,960.84 руб.
Shipping from: China
our shop mainly sells men's and women's fashion bags, various popular handbags, designer wallets and other products we are a factory. if you need a lot, please contact us, and we will provide you with more favorable prices. the classic plaid pattern and logo are decorated on both sides, which is light in texture and high in concealment. it is an ideal choice for fashion. the fashion bag designed by the designer is suitable for trendy men and women. if you need more pictures, please contact us. if the product does not have what you need, you can contact us and we can send the product you want..syi
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