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sku: 862869419
5,172.33 руб.
Shipping from: China
before ship item:
we will carefully check the quality of the bags to ensure that the color and order color are consistent and there are no defects after u paid ,in 24hours ,we can ship item and tell package tracking number we are factroy ,all link show item stock home arrivedx time :uk :5-9days ,italy :9-17days ,germey:5-9days france:9-17days,usa :9-22days, canada:9-17days, netherlands:9-17days, australia:12-19days.syi
we will carefully check the quality of the bags to ensure that the color and order color are consistent and there are no defects after u paid ,in 24hours ,we can ship item and tell package tracking number we are factroy ,all link show item stock home arrivedx time :uk :5-9days ,italy :9-17days ,germey:5-9days france:9-17days,usa :9-22days, canada:9-17days, netherlands:9-17days, australia:12-19days.syi
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