designer bags leather chain bag flap shoulder messenger bags fashion hardware sunset womens handbags handbag wallet

designer bags leather chain bag flap shoulder messenger bags fashion hardware sunset womens handbags handbag wallet
sku: 764853735
12,361.19 руб.
Shipping from: China
hello my friend welcome to our store. all bags in this store are factory direct. the bag is made of cowhide, size: 24cm, welcome to order, thank you. we are factory direct sale, special offer factory outlet store combination sequence; timely service; wholesale and retail are welcome if you have any questions, please feel to contact us through the platform. thank you for your support to our company, and thank you for your long-term trust in our company. thank you~ it takes about 30 days for epacket to receive the goods. if you want to receive the goods in the shortest time, you can choose fedex, but you need to pay an additional ten days to receive the goods you can buy bags you like here.if you have any questions can leave us messages, we will reply to you packing andto all parts of the world,all products ar.syi
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