designar bags women tote bag luxury shoulder clutch bag casual purses new fashion handbag large capacity handbags

designar bags women tote bag luxury shoulder clutch bag casual purses new fashion handbag large capacity handbags
sku: 835516549
Shipping from: China
hello, welcome to our shop. size of the bag is: 35 cm we are committed to providing customers with the most cost-effective products and sincere quality service. to this end, we are working hard to provide customers with a pleasant shopping experience. so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns before or after your purchase. we are committed to your 100% satisfaction. follow us to stay updated with latest promotions and productsthanks for your support if you need real pictures of the product or more information about the product, please contact us by private message first, thank you, we will give you the product information and pictures you want.syi
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