colour straw bag beach bags designer tote bags lafite grass basket bag crochet handbags women large capacity fashion bag summer vacation det

colour straw bag beach bags designer tote bags lafite grass basket bag crochet handbags women large capacity fashion bag summer vacation det
sku: 864420036
Shipping from: China
welcome to my shop. we wholesale and retail all kinds of famous brand bags, designer bags and luxury bags. we promise that these pictures are real pictures. you can buy it at ease. small bucket handbag with drawstring and metal decoration. it is equipped with two detachable shoulder straps, which can be carried on one shoulder or cross. size: 12 * 18 dear, thank you for your trust. we promise to deliver the goods as shown in the ps. we will never resort to fraud and shoddy goods. i will deliver the goods in 4 working days, and the goods will arrive by plane. the logistics company promised about 35 working days. fortunately, many customers received the packages in 2-3 weeks. please contact me for real ps. customer first, integrity management, hope to do long-term business with you..syi
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