Write Dance is an exciting, innovative, and fun program which uses music and movement to introduce handwriting to children. Write Dance movements are designed to help children feel happy and comfortable with their bodies, improve their motor skills, and provide a strong foundation for writing. The Third Edition of this best-selling book combines Write Dance and More Write Dance to bring you the ultimate one-stop Write Dance experience, and has been updated throughout with a brand new layout as well as new themes, music, and video. Ragnhild A. Oussoren is the creator of Write Dance. She developed the Write Dance approach in the Netherlands twenty-five years ago and it has gone on to capture the imagination of children and teachers across Europe. NOW WITH A COMPANION WEBSITE! This exciting new edition is accompanied by a complete online package of resources. Visit https://study.sagepub.com/oussoren3e and enter your unique access code found in the inner front cover of your new edition of Write Dance to access: Over 40 downloadable music tracks and songs More than 90 minutes of video demonstrating each of the music themes A huge range of downloadable copy sheets for teachers and children to use