Visionsmith ReLamp Studio 1K Tungsten LED, Arri ST1, Quartz Colour 1K, Mole Baby
No Down-Time: Relamp your studio from Halogen to LED instantly Ultra-High Quality: 98CRI - matches Tungsten without correction Full-range dimming on your existing AC Dimmers - without color shift! Flicker-Free: even when dimmed down. Safe: no burns, no fire hazard, does not explode like Halogen No heat on subject or talent Environmentally Conscious: Easiest way to make your business sustainable. Reliable: Fully self-protected for a very long life, ongoing warranty available. ROI: A typical TV studio saves thousands beyond the initial cost within the first year! 1/4 the cost of comparable 1k LED Fresnels. Brighter than Mole 1000W with Optional Fresnel Lens Upgrade: Brighter! Using our Super Lens, the 150W ReLamp 1K LED makes the Mole Baby brighter than the Mole Baby using a 1000W Halogen and the old glass lens. If you add our Aspheric Diffractive Plano-Convex Lens to your Fresnel, you can increase the output, project a more uniform light field and get a greater focusing range. No Heat On Subject Thermal imaging shows clearly that the Halogen is on the left. It is too hot to touch and is projecting a hot spot (large pink area) on the wall 10ft away. The ReLamp LED projects no heat on the subject. Radiant Heat The Halogen lamp quickly heats up the ceiling above the instrument and the rest of the room. Cinewhite - Spectral Quality CineWhite solves the color-rendering dilemmas most cinematographers associate with LEDs. With a smooth, continuous spectral distribution, it produces pure white on film and digital cameras and matches existing tungsten sources. You will get no surprises. Gels look just right, everything looks just right. CineWhite tungsten renders without surprises on faces, makeup, unusual fabrics, all the subtleties show up as expected, due to the even continuous spectrum. This is not possible with RGB LEDs