VEIKO 2 комплекта деревообрабатывающий прецизионный зажимной квадрат L-образный вспомогательное приспособление сплайсинг
Описание:2 Set Woodworking Precision Clamping Square L-Shaped Auxiliary Fixture Splicing Board Positioning Panel Fixed Clip Carpenter Square Ruler Woodworking Tool- Carpenter Square Ruler Woodworking Tool- Keep large panel projects perfectly aligned while you install fasteners, add additional features, or simply visualize your design- Longer, wider and stronger than our original design- Drop easily into any of the holes and secure the square faster and easier than separate “F” or “C” style clampsSpecificaitons:наименование товараWoodworking Square L-Shaped Auxiliary Fixture МатериалАлюминиевый сплавРазмер100/120/140/160 ммДиапазон зажима0-60mmУголПрямой угол 90 °ПриложениеWood jigs fixing fixtureОбработка поверхностианодированный ИспользоватьRight angle positioningКоличествоIncluding 2 Set of square setФункции:1. More convenient than separate clamps, locking directly into the holes on the squares.2. The large, easy-to-grip knobs tighten more securely than the round handles found on most clamps.3. Put your panel projects together faster, easier, and more accurately with clamping squares.4. These assembly tools are CNC machined out of one solid chunk of aluminum to a tolerance of ± .0255 degrees.В комплект поставки входят:2 xSquare with Scale4 xM8 Screw Nut4 xAdjust Rack4 x100mm Right Угол Screw RodПодробнее:
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