Trufflelogy The Choco Rum

Trufflelogy The Choco Rum
sku: 11576441677
Shipping from: Indonesia
Aromatic Essence Rum Non - Alcohol With Mellowed Bittersweet Intense Pure Dark Chocolate.
Ingredient: 100% extra pure love ❤
100% HALAL ✅
Ukuran box : 11 x 12 cm, berisi 20 minicubes
Coklat tahan 7 hari di suhu ruangan dan tahan 30 hari apabila di simpan di kulkas. Exp date tertera di box.
Delivery by Gosend/Grab sameday/instant khusus wilayah bekasi, pengiriman ke Jabotabek estimasi kirim sore sampe besok siang/sore. Disarankan untuk simpan dikulkas min 5-6 jam setelah barang sampai agar nikmat disantap.
Ingredients : 100% Extra Pure Love.
We are Trufflelogy and we are proud to be a part of Jogja.⚘
Stay at home, stay safe and eat trufflelogy.❤
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