Gary Larson writes: Our story begins with a family of worms who are having dinner one fine evening and Son Worm is unhappy. Unhappy because he's found a hair in his plate of dirt. It's the proverbial straw and it leads him to bemoan his fate as a worm - he's sick and tired of being a worm, tired of being at the bottom of the food chain. His father, upset by his outburst, decides to tell him the tale of a fair human maiden called Harriet. Even with the wonder of satellite television, Harriet loved the Great Outdoors and took many wondrous walks along her favourite woodland trail, adventures filled with mystery and magic. Unfortunately, although Harriet was fair and kindhearted (to a very dangerous degree) she was also, well, dumb. She didn't quite understand what she was seeing, didn't realise that in Nature, what you see is not necessarily what you get ...