The second edition of this book would not have been possible without the comments and suggestions from students, especially those at Columbia University. Many of the new topics introduced here are a direct result of student feedback that helped refine and clarify the material. The intention of this book was to develop material that the author would have liked to have had available as a student. Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control (2nd Edition) explains robotics concepts in detail, concentrating on their practical use. Related theorems and formal proofs are provided, as are real-life applications. The second edition includes updated and expanded exercise sets and problems. New coverage includes: components and mechanisms of a robotic system with actuators, sensors and controllers, along with updated and expanded material on kinematics. New coverage is also provided in sensing and control including position sensors, speed sensors and acceleration sensors.Students, researchers, and practicing engineers alike will appreciate this user-friendly presentation of a wealth of robotics topics, most notably orientation, velocity, and forward kinematics.