In civilized society the courts are the agency by which disputes are settled. Freemasonry and its members do not exist in glass enclosed towers, the author notes. Over the centuries, therefore, the organization and its adherents have been the subject of many interesting cases. When one considers that there have been an untold millions of men who have been, and are, members of the ancient society of Freemasons, there have been few cases involving individuals. But there have been numerous cases brought about by outside forces. Many of these are covered in this excellent book. The Grand Lodge system of Freemasonry began in 1717. Since that time, and even before, the organization has come under attack by outsiders who knew nothing about its inner-working. In recent years these attacks have been increased. When they are analyzed it is found that the animosity comes from groups with self-serving purposes. Religious factions oppose Freemasonry because it is non-sectarian, claiming its members are "linked with unbelievers" - those who do not worship the same Deity they worship. They forget the leaders of all recognized religion advocated toleration and love.