My, oh Maya! Mimi, Papa, Christina, and Grant really get in over "skulls" in this Mexican hat dance of a mystery set in the Yucatan Peninsula. When they go to explore ancient Maya ruins, "number" clues seem to abound! But what is someone trying to lead them to...or wary from? Snakes...human hearts...a wall of skulls...human sacrifice? How creepy can you get, the kids wonder. But in searching for clues, they encounter the wonder that is Mexico and find themselves laughing at things they never thought could be funny―all along the way! Like all of Carole Marsh’s Mysteries, this mystery will also incorporate history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery will include SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities. Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:Grade Levels: 3-6Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 4.3Accelerated Reader Points: 2Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 165490Lexile Measure: 620Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: QDevelopmental Assessment Level: 40Get your FREE Resources!1. Download the Carole Marsh Mysteries Around The World Correlations to Common Core/State Standards HERE.2. Download the Where in the World Have You Been map HERE3. Download additional activities including Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussion and Book Club Activities HERE.4. Utilize the Around the World Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA grades 2-6. This can be used for all 19 mysteries HERE.5. Want a sneak peak? Read the first three chapters HERE.