This new edition of The Law of Trusts provides comprehensive and up to date coverage of both the general principles and the application of trust law in specific areas of legal practice. The book has been fully revised and updated to take into account recent legislation and case law from key trust jurisdictions, and to include new material on the rule in Hastings-Bass; different applications of the constructive trust; trustees' liability for breach of trust; the taxation of trusts and estate planning; trusts of pension schemes and financial regulation. It also contains expanded material on areas that have recently grown in importance, such as the emergence of shams and retention of control of trust assets by the settlor; and the growing use of Special Purpose Vehicles in offshore commercial dealings. The book is helpfully split into two parts along these lines: Part One considers the general principles involved and includes coverage of: all aspects of express private trusts; the duties and powers of trustees; the variation of trusts; trusts implied by law; and breach of trusts. Part Two puts the general principles to work by covering key practice areas including: insolvency; private client trusts; international trusts; pension funds; financial transactions; commercial transactions; and trusts of land. This is a substantial work written by expert academics who also have experience of practice, supported by contributions from key specialists.