“[Lovecraft's] dream fantasy works are as terrifying and haunting as his tales of horror and the macabre. A master craftsman, Lovecraft brings compelling visions of nightmarish fear, invisible worlds and the demons of the unconscious. If one author truly represents the very best in American literary horror, it is H. P. Lovecraft.”—John Carpenter, Director of At the Mouth of Madness, Halloween, and ChristineWith an introduction by Neil GaimanThis volume collects, for the first time, the entire Dream Cycle created by H. P. Lovecraft, the master of twentieth-century horror, including some of his most fantastic tales:The Doom That Came to Sarnath—Hate, genocide, and a deadly curse consume the land of Mnar.The Statment of Randolph Carter—“You fool, Warren is DEAD!”The Nameless City—Death lies beneath the shifting sands, in a story linking the Dream Cycle with the legendary Cthulhu Mythos.The Cats of Ulthar—In Ulthar, no man may kill a cat...and woe unto any who tries.The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath—The epic nightmare adventure with tendrils stretching throughout the entire Dream Cycle.And twenty more tales of surreal terror!