In his new book, Father Braum highlights the essential link between effective evangelization and an authentic spirituality founded upon a loving relationship with Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. On the premise that authentic renewal in the Church is measured by the intensity of love for the Eucharist, Father Braum outlines five principle means of becoming truly eucharistic. The Eucharist, and one’s relationship with the eucharistic Lord, is the gauge of an authentic spiritual life. “...Father Braum is masterful in leading the reader through one story of Scripture, the story of the blind beggar of the Gospels, Bartimaeus. He tracks his journey from blindness to sight and from interior darkness to light. Bartimaeus looked into the face of Christ and begged to see. Father Braum in this book invites its readers also to look into the face of Christ, particularly in Eucharistic Adoration. At once scholarly and accessible, this work promises to be a meditation and inspiration for anyone whose longing heart yearns to be evangelized or to evangelize.” – Excerpt from the foreword by Fr. Douglas Mosey, CSB.