In rhymed couplets, with magical illustrations, Sylvia Rose and the Cherry Tree spins a story of adventure, imagination, and the importance of home.This very strange tale began in Mayin a friendly forest on a sunny day. Skipping along a path in the wooddanced Sylvia Rose, and man, she was GOOD! Laughing and leaping came Sylvia Rose,Whirling and twirling on twinkly toes.Bold, adventurous Sylvia Rose loves visiting the animals and trees of the forest. The girl and her favorite cherry tree share almost everything, including dancing and stories, but they can’t travel the world together because the tree is rooted deep in the earth. Determined to overcome this obstacle, Sylvia Rose enlists her animal friends to uproot the glorious tree, and Sylvia and the tree set off globetrotting together, taking in the wonders of the world from the Eiffel Tower to the Sydney Opera House, each sight more amazing than the last. Back home in the forest, however, the animals begin to suffer without the food and shelter of their life-sustaining cherry tree. Can the tree give up her newfound freedom and return to her role in the forest ecosystem?Fountas & Pinnell Level M Color throughout