Sweet Deceit
London was fine for the Season, but Kitty Walsingham preferred the seaside pleasures of Bellvoir--especially when she heard that the area was rife with smugglers. Scouring the beaches for skulduggery, Kitty was shocked in spite of herself when she found a sinister figure lurking on her family s property. Worse yet, the trespasser was none other than James Montfort: dashing soldier, recent neighbor, possibly dangerous. and impossibly handsome!
Kitty didn t believe for a minute that he was the wounded war hero he claimed. No doubt he was a wily smuggler or a French spy situated strategically here in Bellvoir across the Channel from France. So why didn t Kitty turn him in to the authorities, surely the only acceptable behavior for a virtuous young lady such as herself? Certainly Montfort seemed to be daring her to do just that. He was arrogant, insufferable, and altogether too seductive for his own good--or hers.