Namor the Sub-Mariner, Avenging Son of Atlanti s. Jim Hammond, the original android Human Torch. Two icons whose rivalry goes all the way back to the dawn of Marvel Comics. Now, learn the full story of two legendary adversaries who would one day become allies, even friends. From enemy of mankind to warti me savior, from Fantastic Four foe to staunch Invader, Defender and Avenger...Namor is a man of contrasts. Relive the life and ti mes of Marvel's mightiest mutant as only he could see it. Imperius Rex! Meanwhile, a recently revived Torch looks back to his own uncanny creation. Meet his sizzling sidekick Toro, learn his incredible part in Hitler's downfall, and discover why the flame of Marvel's fi rst hero was doused for so long! COLLECTING: SAGA OF THE SUB-MARINER 1-12, SAGA OF THE ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH 1-4