LEARN:: Stock Market Investing for Beginners and Stock Market Basics This enhanced and updated edition is aimed at the individual investor who wants to understand today's stock market and make wise investment choices based on knowledge and understanding of the big picture. It is written in easily understandable terms and gives a clear explanation of how the pieces fit together in the marketplace. Readers will come away with a detailed but practical working knowledge of the stock market, at a minimum cost of time and frustration. The authors encourage readers to develop their own personal investment strategy and style through observation and learning. The emphasis is on maintaining control over your investment money, whether you opt for individual stock purchases or a mutual fund, or some combination of both. Special spotlight sections look at innovative new investment vehicles such as SPDRs, and provide an extensive analysis of changes in the market following the financial crisis of 2008. INSIDE:: Stock Market for Beginners Book Inside this book you'll discover: Various Investment Options Setting and Reaching Your Investment Goals Why a Company Issues Stock? All About IPO's How Stocks are Traded? All about Stock Exchanges and Major Indexes How to Read a Stock Chart? Fundamental Analysis vs. Technical Analysis Dividend Investing and DRIPS How To choose a Broker? Long Term vs. Short Term Strategies Timely, detailed, and easy to read, Stock Market for Beginners Book belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who is new to investing or wants a broader understanding of the market. Would You Like To Know More? Scroll to the top of the page and select the BUY button.