We need less conventional wisdom and more creative leadership. Not all of the advice you’ve heard on church growth works. Judging by results, most doesn’t. It’s time we re-evaluate the standard thinking on how to grow a church, especially considering new voices questioning the worth of church growth. Jim Cowart is shepherding an amazing story. 1800 professions of Christ in ten years have propelled Harvest Church from a church plant of four – Jim’s family – to a thriving community of Jesus disciples. Harvest is changing their world and having a party while they do it. Learn why conventional church thinking such as pastoral care, long-term planning, stewardship campaigns, committees and even staff inhibit church growth. Learn how to do less, and lead more people to Christ. Jim and Jennifer Cowart are practitioners who are in the trenches and have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to leading people to Jesus Christ. God has blessed their leadership through Harvest Church. Their church growth methods are not just good ideas but tried and true principles that work! --Ron Sylvia, Lead Pastor, Church @ The Springs, Ocala, Florida Start This, Stop That is a much-needed “how to” book that has the potential to help you take your church to the next level. Jim and Jen Cowart are not mere theorists, but practitioners who have lived out these principles to build a dynamic church that is making a huge impact! -- Steve Stroope, Lead Pastor, Lake Pointe Church, Rockwall, Texas; and author of Tribal Church