To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone BeforeTM ... Experience all the danger and excitement the galaxy has to offer as you and your friends become the actors in your own Star Trek adventures! The Star Trek Player's Guide contains everything you need to create and play your own characters through every era of the Star Trek universe. Intrigue and adventure await you at every turn among the stars. Do you have what it takes to boldly go where no one has gone before? The Star Trek Player's Guide includes: ■ All the basic rules needed for play, easily convertible from previous Star Trek RPGs ■ Original Star Trek canon consistent with previous versions of the Star Trek RPG ■ Character creation, including six archetypes for fast play, ten player character species, and nine professions ■ Details for playing characters from any Star Trek setting: Star TrekTM, Star Trek: The Next GenerationTM, Star Trek: Deep Space NineTM, or Star Trek: VoyagerTM ■ Equipment and starships from all of the TV shows and films ■ Detailed, never-before-seen information about the Star Trek setting, including a comprehensive history of each Star Trek era