Capable of controlling up to 32 speed domes 2 levels of passwords (administrator and user) are supported for higher security Programmed data from up to 2 domes can be downloaded to non-volatile memory space and uploaded to a new dome Control a camera's panning and tilting movement with variable speeds from 0.5'/sec. to 90'/sec., as well as its zoom, focus and iris command Normal speed is inversely proportional to the current zoom ratio Turbo speed is max. 380'/sec. when "Ctrl" key is pressed Define and recall up to 240 presets, which are immediate camera call-ups of preset position view with automatic zoom and focus Able to define and run up to 8 patterns comprising of a sequential series of pan, tilt, zoom and focus movements from a single camera Define and run up to 8 scans which scan between 2 limits Incorporate up to 300 presets, patterns, scans and 8 tours Presets, patterns and scan are automatically displayed one after the other on the main monitor Programmable user preferences (alarm, preset, title)