Sound Ideas Jurassic Dinosaurs Sound Effects Library Audio CD
Jurassic Dinosaurs Sound Effects is an out-of-the-world menagerie populated by all kinds of creatures from tiny to huge. In this jammed-packed CD you will find 665 science fiction sound effects covering all types of prehistoric, fantasy, alien, monster, supernatural, fairy and robot creatures - including many different varieties of cries and associated sounds. Some of the royalty free sound effects come from real-life animal sounds, which were morphed into something else. Many other sound effects were created in the studio and fine-tuned to provide a full range of possible audio variations. The animal and creature sounds represented here are designed to be immensely versatile: use them for modern day exotic jungle beasts, for prehistoric creatures, or for futuristic aliens from other planets. There are small chipmunk-like creatures that scurry and flutter; large elephant-like creatures that stomp and rumble; thundering stampedes and plant monsters; dragons, shape shifters and cyborgs - Jurassic Dinosaurs Sound Effects. Organic Creatures, Small to Large Mouse, Bird-Like, Chipmunk-Like, Mouse-Like, Dinosaur Hatchling, Bird-Like, Small Animals, Classic Jungle Birds, Small Animals, Laughing Creature, Sheep or Goat-Like, Weird & Humourous Creature, Cat-Like Growls, Roars, Hisses & Snarls, Strange Jungle Animals, Complex Cries, Fluttering, Mournful & Haunted Wails, Heavy Breaths, Elephant-Like Trumpeting, Pig-Like Grunts, Nasal Trumpeting, Complex Dinosaur Battle Screams, Grunting Cries, Hoarse Growls, Alien Cries & Calls, Sneezes & Coughs, Cow-Like Moos, T-Rex Attack and Challenge Cries, Groans & Grunts, Honking Cries, Guttural Rumblings & Roars, Angry Dinosaur Growls & Grumbles Organic Body & Environment Creature Footsteps on Various Surfaces, Impact Tremors, Thundering Stampede, Eating Cracks, Crunches and Snaps, Wing Flapping on Flying Creatures, Flying Insects, Plant Monster FX, broken Foliage FX Alien, Robotic & Supernatural Creatures Android, Cyborg Language, Help Droidbot, Robot Footsteps and Servo Motor, Robot Start-Up, Overload, Electric Discharges, Radio Control Frequency & Squeaking Joints, Alien Creatures, Dragons, Werewolves, Shape Shifters, Ghost Vortexes, Classic Tinkerbell Winged Fairy For a complete list of Jurassic Dinosaurs Sound Effects please visit the Sound Ideas website.