Light thready-history and true life sock monkey stories all in one 'sockpendous' book! SOCK MONKEYS: AMERICA’S LOVE STORY by Dee Lindner, known as the Sock Monkey Lady, has long been awaited by sock monkey enthusiasts. This gem of a keepsake book contains a light history of the Red-Heel Sock Monkey Tradition (born in Rockford, IL USA) and over fifty true life sock monkey stories shared by enthusiasts with the Sock Monkey Lady from across the miles. Each sock monkey story is unique—like each monkey behind the story and the crafter, collector, or caregiver who shares them. But every story has one attribute in common—they all move the human spirit in ways only stories from the sole can do—through tears, commiseration, smiles, or laughter. Dee’s award-winning sock monkey photographs, along with those submitted by story-telling contributors, adorn this 186 page colorful book. Anyone looking for a fun, socktastic way to learn about this American born tradition that is taking a toe-hold in the world will delight in this edition. There is even a place to put your own sock monkey photograph and story to make this book a keepsake collectible for your family, friends, and loved ones. Whoever you are—individual, organization, institute, or business—Dee invites you to immerse yourself in an array of sweet sentiments and indulge in the magic of sock monkeys as experienced by others!