Seldom in scientific history has an "informal gathering" of researchers had such an immediate impact and continuing influence on a profession as the Pecos Conference. Begun by A.V. Kidder in 1927, it was the first regional archaeology conference in the United States and soon became an annual event. Its history reflects the development of archaeological aims and theories, of major federal programs, and of mitigation and contract archaeology. Although this unique meeting has never had formal memberships, dues, treasury, permanent officers, or headquarters, it continues to bind Southwestern archaeologists together yearly in dynamic and vigorous dialogue.Richard B. Woodbury's study details the archaeological activity that was reported over the years at the Pecos Conference. Partly an institutional history, the book is also a lively record of regional archaeology and its role in the development of the field and its practitioners. Through years of research and participation in the conference, Woodbury has amassed a wealth of unpublished data, correspondence, and photographs that will make this the definitive history of the conference.