Red Bull 250ml 1can

Red Bull 250ml 1can
артикул: 29226540807
Доставка из: Индонезия
On the palate, Red Bull has a crisp and carbonated taste that is slightly sweet and tangy. When mixed with vodka, gin, or tequila, Red Bull adds a refreshing burst of flavor that compliments the alcohol perfectly. The sweetness of the Red Bull is balanced by the bitterness of the alcohol, creating a perfectly balanced drink. It is also a great mixer for fruity cocktails and can be used to create a variety of fun and creative drinks.
Red Bull's unique blend of caffeine, taurine, and vitamins gives drinkers a much-needed boost, providing an instant burst of energy that's perfect for any night out.
Country: Austria
In order to purchase alcoholic beverages, you must be at least 21 years of age. There will be ID verification process through ID card submission after transaction is completed.
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- Semua produk Minumancom dikemas dalam kemasan bubble wrap khusus untuk botol dengan tambahan kotak kardus berlogo Minumancom.
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