This package features guides that can assist you through any troubles, provide item locations and help you to beat those difficult foes! With these guides in (virtual) hand, nothing can stand in your way!Package Features:Guide 1 - The Basics - basic information on various aspects of the game, from navigating the field and combat, to setting up your gamepad.Guide 2 - Characters - contains information on the different playable and other main characters, along with basic backstory outlines.Guide 3 - Skills, Classes and States - an in-depth look at class customisation and progression, skills and damage formulas. Everything you need to know to build your dream team!Guide 4 - Inventory and Crafting - an entire inventory and crafting guide!Guide 5 - Trioarch and Achievements - contains information on how to give yourself the best chances in Trioarch, along with locations for every single Trioarch card in the game!Guide 6 - Complete Walkthrough - contains a step-by-step guide for the entire game and locations for quests!Guide 7 - Bestiary - Want to know a boss' weakness? Strategies for getting the best loot? Check out the bestiary!BONUS! - (Incomplete) Art Book - contains artwork from, and created for Reboot.BONUS! - High Res Reboot Desktop Wallpaper - remind yourself of your favourite RPG whenever you log onto your computer!