Promo - Adhesive Remover 3M Pembersih Bekas Lem - Adhesive Remover Cairan Pembersih Bekas Lem 150ml .,

Promo - Adhesive Remover 3M Pembersih Bekas Lem - Adhesive Remover Cairan Pembersih Bekas Lem 150ml .,
sku: 25800393528
Shipping from: Indonesia
Selamat datang di toko kami :)
Cairan penghilang bekas lem merk 3M. Untuk membersihkan bekas lem pada stiker atau double tape yang dicabut. Bisa juga untuk membersihkan noda aspal pada body kendaraan.
3M Adhesive Tar and Wax Remover quickly removes wax, grease, oil and adhesive residue. It will not harm most cured automotive paints and is also suitable for vinyl and glass surfaces. Instructions for removing bumper stickers are included.
- Helps remove tar, attachment tape and bumper sticker adhesive
- Quickly removes adhesive residue
- Safe for most cured automotive paints
- Can be used on most vinyl and glass surfaces
- Ketentuan :
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