Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has revealed that its forthcoming PES 2014 title will mark a new beginning for the popular series, with an all-new engine allowing for the most comprehensive advance for the PES range since its inception. The PES Productions Team based in Tokyo have been developing a new approach to football for four years and can now confirm their new system uses Kojima Production’s renowned Fox Engine at its core. The team have extended and enhanced Fox Engine to match the bespoke and complex demands of a football title. Based on six founding standards, the new system has allowed every aspect of PES 2014 to be totally reworked, throwing off the shackles of previous limitations and allowing the PES Productions team to produce a game much closer to their vision of recreating the excitement and variety of a top-level match. The central theme of fluidity is based on the constant moving of players and switching positions which characterises the modern approach to football. PES Productions have looked at how matches ebb and flow, with player individuality key to a team’s success, and well-drilled tactics helping underdogs produce giant-killing feats.