“Greg Jenner spent decades connecting the dots for this book. Now you can do the same, in a single evening!”—Marshall Masters Greg Jenner is one of the top Planet X historians alive today — if not the best! He believes that the ancients were extremely clear in their warnings to us about Planet X, and in this groundbreaking work, he makes it all click together like a box of Legos. According to Jenner, "The Kolbrin Bible is the Rosetta Stone of Planet X!" This is because the historical accounts contained in this ancient secular anthology have enable him to correlate a broad range of wisdom texts, folklore and prophecy. For example he found several passages in The Kolbrin Bible, which clearly describe the destruction of Atlantis during a previous Planet X flyby! Related Title - The Egyptian Texts of the Bronzebook: The First Six books of The Kolbrin Bible Following Pharaoh's defeat at the hand of Moses, the Egyptians searched the Middle East for clues to the one true G-d of Abraham. What now survives of that noble effort comprises the first six books of The Kolbrin Bible. Related Title - The Kolbrin Bible: 21st Century Master Edition The Kolbrin Bible dates back 3600 years and offers unique and enlightened insights from the past to both challenge and affirm our present day beliefs. This 11-book secular anthology is nearly as large as the King James Bible.