High-quality color photographs enhance this completely updated, practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in neonates, infants, children, and adolescents. The text features a clinically oriented approach to pediatric skin disorders and includes a differential diagnosis index. New features in the 3rd Edition include greatly expanded patient education handouts and updated diagnostic, genetic, and therapeutic information. Appendix information incorporates a formulary for common dermatologic conditions.500 full-color photographs, 2 full-color line drawings, and 23 one-color line drawings enhance the lucid, practical text. A Problem-Oriented Differential Diagnosis Index covers both the front- and end-papers, offering a convenient index for busy practitioners who encounter a difficult or unclear case. A concise Dermatopharmacology and Topical Formulary designed specifically for pediatric patients helps clinicians develop therapeutic regimens. An expanded Patient Information section enables physicians to duplicate the sheets for use in their own practices. The authors direct readers to the section when appropriate.