"Necropolis has all the makings of a smash hit – the kind of Roguelike that hardcore players will brag about beating for years to come." - Hardcore Gamer \nNECROPOLIS combines third-person action with Rogue-lite dungeon-delving for a game that’s fast-paced and addictive, yet diabolically hardcore. You play as a nameless adventurer attempting to escape a living, magical dungeon that reconstructs itself each time you play, with only one way out - down. Craft, equip, explore, and fight to stay alive as you delve deeper and face ever-greater threats in the twisting halls and endless chasms of the NECROPOLIS. Have no doubt, you’re going to die - often! - but you’ll improve your combat skills, available upgrades, and dungeon know-how with every playthrough, bringing you one step closer to the exit. (Warning: “Just one more time” mindset can be addicting.) Key features:...PERMANENT. Game Over? Jump right back in with a new adventurer and try again! \n...DIFFERENT EVERY TIME. A new procedurally-generated dungeon with every death. \n...BETTER WITH FRIENDS. Drop-in / drop-out CO-OP multiplayer for up to 4 players! \n...MONSTROUS. Gemeaters, Changelings, Hoardmen, and more - they exist to kill you. \n...NOT WITHOUT PERKS. Each new dungeon is littered with powerful weapons, armor, and upgrades to wield against your foes. (And there’s crafting, too!) \n...UNAVOIDABLE. But don’t worry, this NEXT playthrough is totally the one. We’ve got a good feeling about it.