Created in the image of God, we are more powerful than we realize. As God created all things through His spoken word, our words are like weapons backed by God Himself and by Jesus, the Living Word. When we speak God’s Word guided by the Holy Spirit, whatever we speak will come to pass. HE will see that it does.In Mysteries Unsealed, Secrets Revealed, you will learn how to get into agreement with God Almighty and use your voice to prophecy His Word into the atmosphere, sealing it in the heavenlies with the blast of the shofar (trumpet). The 40 Decrees and Declares in Chapter Five call forth a mighty move of God as His power is poured out on His holy people.Spiritual “wolves” in the church will be exposed and removed from leadership.·The wicked in governments around the world will fall and perish as the Word says.·Prophecies of God will come to pass restoring reverence, awe and fear of the Lord.·God’s favor will rest on the righteous. They will prosper as never before.·Justice and judgment will take place. “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”~ Job 22:28 (The Word of Promise® NKJV Audio Bible)