Murah banget KINAKO Powder 100gr ZI6
BUDAYAKAN MEMBACA SEBELUM MELAKUKAN PEMBELIAN Produk favorit kami sudah restock! Pasti sudah tahu kan Murah banget KINAKO Powder 100gr ZI6 kesukaan kalian semua ini? Diskon EXP : JUNI 2024 Product of Japan. Kinako is produced by finely grinding roasted soybeans into powder. The skin of the soybean is typically removed before pulverizing the beans, But kinako is not only flavorsome. It is also a proven superfood, and, one that is suitable for our gluten-free and nut-allergic friends, too. It has a powdery flour-like texture, it is golden brown in color, smells warm and nutty, and tastes similar to roasted peanuts. weight : 100gr REPACK Untuk pemesanan jika ada pilihan opsi warna dimohon untuk mencantumkan keterangan warna. Dapat langsung diorder. Terima Kasih >>>> MEMBELI SAMA DENGAN SETUJU
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