Peterson’s Master the Corrections Officer Exam (16th edition) is highly-acclaimed by many successful test-takers. See the excellent reviews of this intensive test prep guide to help write your own success story. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment for Corrections Officers will grow by 16 percent over the next several years - much more rapidly than the average for all occupations - and that job opportunities will grow in the private sector as state and federal corrections agencies increasingly use private prisons. Peterson's Master the Corrections Officer Exam provides the most comprehensive review available for those interested in working in the prison system. This guide offers: six full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations an extensive review of the officer screening process an overview of the typical officer training process all-new information on job requirements and expert advice on how to seek and apply for positions in the field Peterson's Master the Corrections Officer Exam is the “perfect resource to score high on the Corrections Officer exam!” Part 1. All about a career as a Corrections Officer including: The prison system Working Conditions Salary and promotion Physical test, psychological exam, drug tests, and written exam Part 2. Six Practice Tests in this guide, complete with Answer Keys and Explanations to help you score high. In the Appendices are tips and strategies to improve your score on the exam, including “Top Ten Ways to Raise Your Score.” There is also a Chapter Summary to highlight the most important points. Being well-prepared is the best way to ace the exam and pursue your new career!