Mainan Buku Edukasi Aktivitas Anak Avenir Magic Water Painting Melukis

Mainan Buku Edukasi Aktivitas Anak Avenir Magic Water Painting Melukis
sku: 24524666692
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GRAB/GOJEK (Dapat didiskusikan dulu) Dijamin 100% Original Avenir
Isi setiap paket:
- Painting with water means NO MESS
- 6 reusable painting boards
- Easy take-anywhere design
- Fabulous illustrations and styling
- Play with reposition able stickers and learn
- Sheets of Stickers
- Brush Marker
- Maze game
- Seek and Find
Avenir Unicorns 3 in 1 creativity set will keep your child busy while traveling.
Ada 6 varian:
1. Unicorns
2. Princesses
3. Four Seasons
4. Riding & Flying
5. Dinosaurs
6. Underwater
Warna akan hilang begitu air kering sehingga kamu bisa mencat berulang2 sesuka hati kamu
Buku lukisan air ajaib bertema dinosaurus, kamu bisa belajar mengenal berabagi macam hewan zaman purba dan keunikannya. Buku jinjing mencakup banyak kegiatan seperti labirin, melihat perbedaan dan mencari dan bersembunyi. Basahi kuas dan luncurkan di atas halaman untuk mengungkapkan warnanya. Kit aktivitas yang bagus untuk anak-anak saat bepergian.
Take the fabulous Underwater-themed, no-mess water painting activities anywhere with this Magic Water Painting book.
Each book includes 6 reusable colouring surfaces and two repositionable sticker sheets of themed activities and a refillable water pen.
Fill the water pen with regular tap water, then draw to reveal the colour on the pages - it’ll disappear when the water dries, then you can start again, just like magic!
To double the fun, we’ve added lots of activities to further inspire kids’ learning, exploration and imagination!
you don't need felt-tip pens and pencils for coloring
the color of the picture appears with the help of a "magic" marker with water
will be an exciting activity for everyone who likes to draw, color and glue stickers
the set provides enormous opportunities for self-expression and self-realization of the child
a convenient form of packaging with a handle and a compartment for a brush marker will allow you to take the set with you everywhere Happy Shopping

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