Does your family have a history of lung cancer? Have you recently been suspected to have lung cancer and now you are battling to for your life? What if I told you that that diagnosis was only the beginning of the rest of your life? That’s right; you have a great probability of beating this unwelcomed illness if you make a few adjustments to your current lifestyle. One of the main adjustments you will have to make will be what you eat. In other to keep the odds always in your favor you will have to ensure that you maintain a healthy, and balanced diet even on the days that you do not feel like eating, and that your weight is kept at a healthy level. In this Lung Cancer Recipe Book, we will be exploring 30 delicious, and life altering recipes that will help you win the battle against lung cancer. The first step to take is to recognize that no matter how nauseated, the treatments and medications may make you feel you have to try to continue giving your body the nutrients it needs. All the recipes in this lung cancer book, have been selected with this in mind offering you recipes that are simple to create, delicious, and above all, easy to digest. So, why not jump right in, and get started? Grab your very own copy of Lung Cancer Recipe Book today, and let’s kick cancer in the butt.