Documenting the recent studies conducted on a highly original, beautiful, and long-neglected site by excavation teams, this exploration reveals the hidden treasures of a near-eastern civilization. More than 350 art masterpieces, mostly unknown to a foreign public and dating from prehistoric times to modern days, introduce the life and culture of a land of exchanges located at the crossroad of major civilizations—including the Mediterraneans, Mesopotamians, and Indians—which today constitutes Saudi Arabia. The numerous testimonies include the necropolis of Hegra, a smaller version of Petra inscribed on the UNESCO World heritage list; Mecqua, the fortress of Teima, which shows strong Mesopotamian and Egyptian influence; and the Dedan site, which is characterized by monumental sculpture of Ptolemaic inspiration. Precious dishes and jewelry, monumental sculptures, temples, and palaces ornate with frescoes fill the pages of this sumptuous examination.