In 2007, God spoke to me to leave everything I have, preach the Gospel across America for six months, take no money with me, and only trust in Him. I was nineteen-years-old. I prepared by going on a forty day water and juice fast where I stayed isolated in an apartment with no human contact seeking the face of God. Two days before I left I met Alex, the guy who would leave everything to go with me on this faith journey. For the next six months, Alex and I traveled from Miami to San Francisco with no money, no car, no credit cards, and no connections along the way...just raw faith. We never asked anyone for money, food, shelter, or a ride, and we never raised money by taking up offerings at churches or sending out newsletters. By God's grace, we had three meals a day every day and we only stayed four nights on the street out of six months. We even gained weight on the trip. Our only agenda was to pray every morning for three to four hours and hit the streets four to ten hours a day sharing the Gospel with whoever the Lord led us to. We had the joy of sharing the Gospel face-to-face with thousands of individuals, witness hundreds of people commit their lives to Christ, and see God miraculously provide for us every day. This is the story of our journey.