Kir!m L@ngsung Pristine 8+ water 600ml x 24 - air minum pristine - air alkali Stock Ada

Kir!m L@ngsung Pristine 8+ water 600ml x 24 - air minum pristine - air alkali Stock Ada
sku: 22888364854
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Pristine 8+ adalah Air minum dengan pH lebih dari 8 yang dapat mralkan asam dalam tubuh akibat dari polusi dan gaya up yang ak sehat.
*) Menyeimbangkan pH tubuh menjadieal.
*) Diproduksi dengan teknologi Ionisasi no. 1 di Jepang dari Nihon Trim.
*) Mengandung mikromolekul yang lebih cepat diserap oleh tubuh
PRISTINE is not an ordinary mineral water, not only for thirst , but beneficial for healthy.
With an Ionization process, separates water and mineral to be ionic atomic molecules. The Ionization process produces PRISTINE as alkaline water.
Further some benefits of PRISTINE as an ionized mineral water:
1.Micro Water Fast absorption.
Structure molecule of its hydrogen altered to be smaller allowing for faster and more effective hydration of our bodys cells.
2.Higher scale pH (pH 8 -8.5) Neutralize harmful aic wastes.
By everyday drinking PRISTINE (pH 8 8.5) will flush these aic wastes, bringing our body state to a slightly alkaline condition, congruent to the alkalinity of our body.
3.Ionization Powerful anti-oant
PRISTINE has a negative ORP, showing that PRISTINE as alkaline water can block and reduce oation processes that can destroy healthy cells in our body. This property ismonly referred to as anti- oant.
4.Mineral for Healthy
PRISTINE containing abundant selected and balance minerals. PRISTINE that manages to preserve the beneficial minerals that our body greatly needs and also can help the damage cells of our body.
5.Natural and Pure.
No additional supplements, sweetener, preservation substances. PRISTINE is natural, pure and theres no e effect.
Therefore, be conent in drinking clean, safe and healthy life water from PRISTINE!!
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