Specification: Vacuum Bellow: 1. Both size KF25 Flange / ISO-KF Flange Size: KF25, NW-25 2. End to end Length 500mm (19 ") 3. Made of Stainless Steel 304 4. Wall thickness = 0.2mm and this makes the bellow bendable and twistable 4. Finely polished Flange for high vacuum application 5. Delicate welding to ensure integrity and reliability Clamp Ring & Centering Ring: 1. For KF25 range / ISO-KF Flange Size: KF25, NW-25 2. Flang clamps are made of Aluminum 3. O-rings are mad of Buna-NNitrile Background info of ISO-KF flange: -KF flange is commonly used to build foreline vacuum plumbing and process systems. They are often called quick flange fittings because they are quick to assemble. A circumferential clamp and centering ring form the vacuum seal between the connecting flanges . The centering ring contains a rubber elastomer o-ring. -The standard sizes for quick flange fittings are KF-10, KF-16, KF-25, KF-40, and KF-50 with flange size larger it becomes ISO-LF63, ISO-LF80, ISO-LF100, ISO-LF160. Package Included: 1 pcs 500mm / 19" KF25 flange vacuum bellow 2 pcs Aluminum clamp ring 2 pcs Aluminum centering ring with Buna-N Nitrile O-ring