Jungle Juice 1 LT
HARAP BACA SYARAT & KETENTUAN TOKO ! Dengan ORDER, kami anggap Anda sudah MEMBACA, MENGERTI & MENYETUJUI semua ketentuan tersebut. Jungle Juice adalah minuman yang dibuat dengan buah-buahan. Banyak varian rasa yang dapat kamu dan teman-temanmu pilih serta nikmati sesuai selera masing-masing.
#juice #junglejuice
Jungle Juice is a drink made with fruits. There are lots of flavors for you and your friends to choose and enjoy them together as you like.
#juice #junglejuice
#juice #junglejuice
Jungle Juice is a drink made with fruits. There are lots of flavors for you and your friends to choose and enjoy them together as you like.
#juice #junglejuice
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