Reflecting a dramatically changing global context, the third edition of International Law in World Politics introduces the actors, structures, processes, and issues of international law in a way that makes sense to students of political science. Features of the new edition include: current case studies that bring the subject to life; an entirely new chapter on international courts and tribunals; more attention to trade and economic issues; even-handed discussion of such contentious topics as the Iran nuclear deal; Africa and the ICC, the Paris climate agreement, rising tensions in the South China Sea; and more. The result is a text that effectively explains the role that international law plays in the arena of world politics today.CONTENTS:The Rules-Based International Order.ACTORS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW.States.Nonstate Actors.Intergovernmental Organizations.International Courts and Tribunals.STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.The Autonomy of International Law.Legal Argument as Political Maneuvering.Reading a Multilateral Treaty.The Evolution of a Multilateral Treaty Regime.ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL LAW.The Initiation of International Armed Conflict.The Conduct of Armed Conflict. Arms Control.Human Rights.The Environment.THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.International Law and the Shifting Distribution of Power.